As part of the mourning process that takes place once the season ends, let’s think back to the good times. AKA, let’s actively practice avoidance. It’s fun!
These may not be the “best” moments of the 2013 season, but they are a few I’ll remember most.
10. Farewell to Tony
Tony Gonzalez had to retire at some point, but it’s a shame to see him go. What a career. If you are looking for a good read on Gonzalez, click on the link above. Excellent piece on MMQB.
9. Knowshon Moreno Waterfall Tears
Tears that leave you saying, “WHOA.” Did not know water could come out of someone’s face like that.
8. Mike Tomlin Joins the Action
I’m in the minority here, but I don’t think he did it on purpose. Mike Tomlin is a good guy.
I was driving to Pennsylvania that day and heard that the game was pretty snowy, but it’s one of those You Have To See It To Believe It kind of scenes. It was pretty awesome as far as iconic football moments go, and pretty unawesome as far as actual football-playing goes.
If the standing ovation Peyton received when he returned to Indy doesn’t make you well up with tears, you might not be human.
I still can’t believe the Boykin fumble touchdown really happened. It felt like finding out that your office is closed on a random holiday when you fully expected to work and now you have the day off. Which is to say, it was the best.
Also the Never Say Never play of the year!
This gets me every time. Tom Brady can get pretty much anything in the world…except a high five.
2. Patriots Comeback Win Against Denver
Or why I’m glad I didn’t go to bed at halftime.
1. Peyton
When I think about the 2013 season, I think the first thing that will come to mind is Peyton. What he did this year – to be 37, recovered from major surgery, playing his second year with a new team, and having one of the best seasons in quarterbacking history, if not the best season – was mind blowing. What happened on Sunday? Equally mind blowing. No one likes to see a good guy get beat like that. There will be a whole mixed bag of intense Peyton-related emotions when it comes to remembering 2013.
How about you guys? What will you remember from this season?