Does anyone remember this commercial? It’s one of my all-time favorites.
Football for Normal Girls will be back with new content on Monday to gear up for…the preseason!!!
It’s like manna in the desert.
See you all then!
Does anyone remember this commercial? It’s one of my all-time favorites.
Football for Normal Girls will be back with new content on Monday to gear up for…the preseason!!!
It’s like manna in the desert.
See you all then!
Originally posted here on June 19, 2013
Because the regular season is coming soon (!!!), we’ll start doing divisional breakdowns again in the next few weeks. But in the meantime, here’s a pocket guide to all of the NFC Teams that might come in handy this season.
(Don’t feel left out, AFC fans. Next week is your time to shine!)
Originally posted here on June 6, 2013
Football is no longer a single season. It’s a year-round affair.
And the people rejoice!
Wondering what happens when? I made another Pocket Guide – and will probably make more as the regular season approaches – to give you a handy printable to keep around so you know what’s going on and when!
Have an idea for a Pocket Guide? I’d love to hear it! Leave your ideas in the comments section or contact me anytime.
Originally posted here on May 27, 2013
You might have read that title and thought it was a typo…or just a weird post about repurposing old jerseys. But it’s so not! Your life is about to get so much easier, all thanks to the magic of uniform numbers.
So remember last week when we talked about the single high safety and how to find him on the field? That one was pretty simple, because you know that the one guy hanging out up top is the single high safety. It’s as close to self-explanatory as you’ll get in the NFL.
But what if you’re trying to figure out where the rest of the defensive backs are and you’re just not sure based on the formation alone?
That’s the beauty of uniform numbers.
In the NFL, players must to adhere to specific rules when it comes to picking their number. They have to select a number that is within the range for their position.
What are those numbers and ranges? I made you a printable for you so you’ll have them handy all season long! (Just click the “Print Me!” icon below. A new window will open up and you can print the image by selecting File>Print in your browser. Enjoy!)
Ok, so how do we infuse this newfound knowledge into game day?
Let’s take a look at one of the screen shots from last Wednesday’s post.
It’s fairly obvious that this is Cover 1. We see Earl (hi, Earl!) hanging out up top. Also, he’s circled and the text beneath him says, “single high safety.”
I aim to please here, people.
So we know where Earl is – but where are the rest of the defensive backs? Are the three players in the second level linebackers? Which of the players on the defensive line are actually defensive linemen?
If you know your team well, you might know just based on what personnel your team usually fields. You know the players on the field. But if you don’t know the team, you can use three clues – uniform number, context, and the roster – to know who is on the field even if you don’t actually know who is on the field.
Let’s take a look at this play from a different angle and use our first clue to determine who’s on the field.
Uniform Number
Using a combination of the screenshot and the video, we can see everyone’s jersey and determine their position based on their number. Let’s work left to right across each level in the formation:
25: Defensive back
57: Linebacker
69: Defensive lineman
92: Defensive lineman or linebacker
79: Defensive lineman
50: Linebacker
39 (not shown): Defensive back
56: Linebacker
54: Linebacker
31: Defensive back
29: Defensive back
It’s pretty cut and dry just from a survey of the uniform numbers. The only question is 92 – is he a linebacker or a lineman? We can figure that out by looking onto Clue 2.
Let’s take a look at this situation: 92 is in between two other defensive linemen. He’s in a 3-point stance, and a quick Google search tells us that he’s 300+ lbs – much too big for the typical linebacker. From the context we can tell that he’s more than likely a defensive tackle, which would make the other d-linemen next to him defensive ends. But to be sure we can always move to Clue 3, which is almost always* the golden ticket.
*Almost always – because a player can report as a different position than his uniform number indicates. We’ll be talking about that more next week!
We can be 100% sure of who’s on the field by using the Seahawks 2012 Roster.
25: Cornerback (Richard Sherman)
57: Linebacker (Michael Morgan)
69: Defensive end (Clinton McDonald)
92: Defensive tackle (Brandon Mebane)
79: Defensive end (Red Bryant)
50: Linebacker (K.J. Wright)
39: Cornerback (Brandon Browner)
56: Linebacker (Leroy Hill)
54: Linebacker (Bobby Wagner)
31: Safety (Kam Chancellor)
29: Safety (Earl Thomas)
When we match the players to their positions to their jerseys, the whole picture makes a lot more sense than it might have initially:
It makes sense that the corners are on the edges, that there are three down linemen, that the linebackers are coming up front as pass rushers, and that the strong safety is in the second level playing zone. Adding all of the pieces together makes an effective whole, and also teaches us a lot more about what the defense was going for on this play. From this look, it seems like the defense was probably expecting a running play, since they’ve stuffed so many guys in the box.
Now, realistically, are you going to have time to do this level of breakdown before the snap of every play? Probably not. The game happens – and changes! – much too quickly for that. You might not have time to figure out every player at every position, but you’ll more than likely be able to spot that one player who made a difference on the last play and figure out who he is by using the workflow you learned today – number, context, roster – and by knowing all of the basics you’ve learned so far.
Because you’re just that good!
But just in case you need a little extra practice, we’ll be going over this again in Wednesday’s film room post. Let’s consider it our OTA for the week. See you then!